Wash Day Made Easy
The Healthy Way
Shampoo and conditioner is a constant conversation in my life because I work in a salon. While at the shampoo bowl I ask, “What shampoo and conditioner do you use,” to just about every single one of my clients. They generally respond with uncertain answers and follow up with loads of questions. The questions typically revolve around what steps to take to get their hair clean, what products to use, and deep conditioning questions. While I can’t tell you exactly which products will work best on your hair, I can give you some guidance on the steps to achieve the optimum wash day!
We all know shampoo is the first step, but what we all may not be aware of is the different types of shampoo there is. When starting wash day, you’re going to want to start with a clarifying shampoo. Now, you might be wondering what is that? A clarifying shampoo strips the excess product and oil build-up you may have on your hair. This helps get that “squeaky clean” hair. Your second wash is going to be with a moisture shampoo. This is going to continue to cleanse your hair while restoring some of that moisture that the clarifying shampoo may have taken out. Once all sudsy and your scalp is free of all itching and debris we can rinse and lightly towel dry with a microfiber towel or t-shirt.
Two washes and a clean scalp later we can now get to the good stuff, THE CONDITIONER! This is my favorite part because this is where the difference is made. Let us not forget the golden rule: NEVER SKIP CONDITIONING! There are moisture conditioners and protein conditioners. Moisture conditioners will be used when your hair is feeling dry and a little thirsty. It will say things like hydrating, for thirsty hair, or softening. Protein conditioners are good for chemically treated, brittle, or damaged hair. It will say things like restore, repair, and keratin. Everyone needs both in their hair for optimum growth, so it is important to alternate between both types of conditioners. Once you’ve chosen your conditioner for this wash, apply in sections, detangle, and apply a plastic cap. If sitting under a hooded dryer, sit for 10-15 minutes. If you’re not using a dryer, leave the conditioner in for a minimum of 45 minutes.
Once your conditioner has sat for the desired amount of time it’s now time to rinse. Rinse with COLD WATER! Even though a cold rinse is undesirable, it is super important. Rinsing your conditioner out with cold water seals your cuticle, increases shine, and decreases frizz. This is the tip and trick I swear by. If you’re one of my clients reading this, you know everyone gets the cold rinse, no one’s safe.
After your clarifying and hydrating shampoo, moisture or protein conditioner, and cold rinse you’re now finished with the wash and conditioner portion of your wash day. Your hair should be fresh and clean, easy to detangle, and prepped for the styling portion of your day. I trust this helped you all, answered some questions, and gave guidance.
“Changing lives and building confidence one head at a time.”
Honey Roots